action vs. motion james clear atomic habits
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Action vs. Motion: A powerful key concept from James Clear’s Atomic Habits.

Action vs. Motion is a powerful distinction from Atomic Habits by James Clear which is priceless and helpful. 😁⁠

Let’s talk about motion vs. action. They are similar, but not the same. 🤓⁠

“Being in motion is when you are planning, strategizing, & learning. These are good and important, but they do not produce a result.”😲⁠

“Action, on the other hand, is the type of behavior that will deliver an outcome.”🙌⁠

“Sometimes motion is useful, but it will never produce an outcome by itself.”😏⁠

“Being in motion is when you are planning, strategizing, & learning. These are good and important,

but they do not produce a result.”

“Action, on the other hand, is the type of behavior that will deliver an outcome.”

“Sometimes motion is useful, but it will never produce an outcome by itself.”

Being in motion and not in action often shows up around being more visible, taking risks, connecting with potential clients/customers, and/or asking for or receiving support.

Action is moving forward toward the outcome you want with flow and momentum.

Action moves you toward your desired outcome clearly.

Motion is looking at a map and planning a trip and action is you have your boots on the ground walking toward your destination. You are not thinking about it, talking about it, you are doing it IRL.

What outcome do you most want to create?🤗⁠

Where are you in motion that you could step into action?🤔⁠

Often the reason you’re in motion and not stepping into action is a mental/psychic block. 🙃⁠

Give yourself the support you need to move through it. ⁠


action vs. motion james clear atomic habits





For more inspiration from James Clear, check out Building Better Habits to Meet Your Potential: Mind-Blowing Mindset Shifts & Tips from Atomic Habits on my YouTube channel introducing important key concepts from Atomic Habits.

For support to move through resistance and follow your dreams, check out this blog entry.

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