I call B.S. What do you think of this article about entrepreneurs?
A colleague posted this article on Facebook this weekend. “Entrepreneurs don’t have a special gene for risk—they come from families with money”
It’s an interesting perspective. But to say, as the title suggests, this is true for all “entrepreneurs” is bullshit. It may be true that people with money who start businesses are likely to have an easier time of it.
Not just because of start up capital, but also because they are more likely to have a money mindset that assumes money’s always there…so then it is.
AND there are plenty of success stories of those of us who have boot strapped businesses with no capital upfront, with hard work, grit, community support, brains, valuable contribution, willingness to grow, creativity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, willingness to learn whatever it takes to embrace business, commitment to succeed, determination, and most of all, willingness to unlearn cultural programming that limits our perceptions of money and business and ourselves. #longestsentenceever
I have failed in business & filed bankruptcy because of it.
And I have created successful businesses from scratch (with no debt) that have impact and support me fully… more than any professional full-time job ever did.
I believe the biggest block to success in business for those of us who didn’t come from money, is our money mindset and resistance to finance and business and our resentment toward “people with money.”
This is why I focus on supporting creatives in business and money because it’s bullshit that only rich people can succeed in business. If that’s the truth we’re all screwed and the American dream is dead. I’m not saying things haven’t changed in the marketplace, especially with the broadening divergence between “rich” and “poor” but if we give up now… WTH?
I believe that placing solid business skills (including mindset) in the hands of people who do good things, create beautiful, impactful work, and have visions from their heart can change the world and is changing the world.
This is my purpose and I believe in it with all my heart.
I’ve learned from mentors that in true leadership we bring what it is we believe is lacking. We lead with creating/bringing/fueling what we want more of in the world.
I’m holding a container for prosperity for creatives and outside-the-box thinkers who are in business. This is one powerful way to evolve the world in a way that I want to see it become.
It has been my path and my hard-won lessons and I’m here to share them with those who want it.
Speaking of…I’m celebrating my talented client Samantha Shepherd. On every coaching call, she is totally inspiring me and making quick progress in her business.
A few months ago she did not have a business and now she’s booking clients, has a gorgeous website, is building her impressive portfolio, and is stepping outside her comfort zone every week to put herself out there and it’s paying off with fresh new income…. all while she still has a job.
She started out by doing Money Boot Camp to set the foundation for her mindset and relationship with money a few months ago.
It’s a powerful foundation for new business owners and it’s a major up level in mindset for those who want to make more money in their business. And that work has paid off for Sam.
She’s an example of someone who is designing her own life, and becoming an entrepreneur without anybody else’s money to back her….like almost all of the entrepreneurs I know.
“I was so hesitant to invest in coaching because I’m just starting out. Now only three months in, I see the value in my investment 100%. It’s so helpful to have Jen to walk me through new business territory and to get clear on what to do next. This supportive guidance helps me boil things down to get to what needs to be done next. I don’t get bogged down in fear because in each session I get a fresh spark to go take clear actions. Now I have launched my business and have new paying clients. Things are growing faster than I thought and I feel so good. I feel a new level of confidence because I am making my vision happen.” ~Samantha Shepherd, Iron & Wax Photography
I’m looking for people like Sam who are ready to make shit happen. If that’s you, schedule a chat with me to see if it’s a fit to work together.
In Prosperity,