Got money issues or is it really something else?
Here are some financial stats on how rampant money issues are:
- According to studies by the American Psychological Association, money issues have topped the charts as the most common stressor among Americans. 72% of Americans say they have felt money-related stress.*
- Did you know that with the average interest rate for credit cards of 17%, it only takes around 4 years for the amount to double?
- 44% of Americans do not have enough cash for a $400 emergency.**
- 33% of American adults have zero retirement savings.**
- The average American lacks the basic financial knowledge he or she needs to change behaviors and make qualified financial decisions.***
- Around 50% of businesses make it to the 5-year mark and only 33% are in business for 10 years.****
Money issues are about self-worth.
Are you ready to feel confident in your capacity to own your value and make more money?
If so, check out this powerful program to see if it is right for you: “Money Mastery Intensive Program.”
**”4 Stats That Reveal How Badly America Is Failing At Financial Literacy,” Forbes, Apr 1018.
***Financial Educators Council National Literacy Test Results
****”What Percentage Of Small Businesses Fail — And How Can You Avoid Being One Of Them?,” Forbes, Oct 2018.