Holistic Sales Training Workshop for Creative Entrepreneurs
This sales training workshop for holistic and creative entrepreneurs isn’t like any other.
Business growth depends on having a solid sales process you believe in.
One reason sales gets a bad rap is that we all have had experiences with salespeople that have completely turned us off to the idea of being “salesy.”
Have you had bad experiences with salespeople who were pushy? Who didn’t listen to you? Who was focused on trying to get you to buy something you didn’t want?
It could have been a call from someone trying to get you to “extend your car warranty.” It could have simply been someone at a drive-thru trying to “upsell you.”
I’ve had my share of frustrating sales calls with people who were attached to their agenda they couldn’t hear me. They didn’t realize that no matter how pushy they were, I was never going to buy cable.
Trying to get someone to buy instead of understanding what they need/want is not a long-term success strategy. It might get you the sale in the moment sometimes, but it won’t keep customers coming back and sending referrals.
Bad sales practices are a result of someone making “closing the sale” more important than the person in front of them.
Don’t let fear of being “salesy” sabotage your business.
When you sell an item or a service, you are opening a relationship, instead of “closing a sale.”
Radical idea huh?
The most important thing is a connection first and then listening with curiosity. Focusing on what the person wants/needs and sharing what you have to offer to see if it’s a fit.
Good sales is about connection, service, and creating a win-win.
Increasing your confidence and effectiveness at sales is the way to increase revenue.
I’ve sold low-end products to high-end coaching packages and lots of stuff in between. I’ve learned dozens of techniques and tools over the years from mentors making way more money than me. And what I’ve learned is that if it’s not aligned for me, it will never work. Do you relate?
You get to do what works for you. I’m not going to give the “right way” to do sales. I’m going to support you to find inspiring tools that work for you from many that I will share.
In this workshop, I will share powerful techniques, scripts, and questions to support you to up-level your sales process, techniques, scripts, and mindset.