Jen Aly Business coach digital nomad expressing joy Toni Morrison quote let of of what weighs you down
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Overcoming Business Burnout: How Intentional Living Helped Me Find Freedom, Joy, and Balance

I’m sitting in Café Tal in downtown Guanajuato City, Mexico, writing in my sloth journal, feeling a deep sense of joy as I reflect on how far I’ve come. When I say, “how far I’ve come,” I’m not talking about making a million dollars. I’m talking about living life and…

My current office in Oaxaca City. Travel work station with laptop.
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What are the realities of being in business as a life coach?

Are you a life coach or thinking about becoming one? Recently, I responded to a post by a coach in a Facebook group of women business owners asking about the realities of being in business as a life coach. Here is my response(with some edits and additions): I appreciate this…