“Isolation Is the dream-killer, not your attitude” A Powerful TEDx Talk by Barbara Sher
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“Isolation Is the dream-killer, not your attitude” A Powerful TEDx Talk by Barbara Sher

I tell clients about this TEDx talk all the time. Barbara Sher’s message is so powerful and it is more relevant than ever before in our post-pandemic lives. I was first introduced to Barbara Sher’s work in 2007 through her book, “Refuse to Choose: Use All of Your Interests, Passions,…

TEDx Talk: Harness Creativity as your Greatest Business Asset
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TEDx Talk: Harness Creativity as your Greatest Business Asset

Jen shares her journey as a creative entrepreneur and the mindset shift it took for her to thrive in business. As a former student and teacher, she addresses how traditional education was created to train employees instead of entrepreneurs. The programming in school such as conformity, obedience, punishment for mistakes,…