The #1 Reason Artists and Creatives get Audited – Interview with Hannah Cole
Hannah Cole is a painter and a tax preparer. In this fun interview you will find the following:
-The #1 reason artists and creatives get audited
-How to choose the best tax support(and what to avoid)
-Most challenging issue artists deal with re finances
-Hannah’s most embarrassing budget mistake
Hannah is a tax expert who specializes in working with creative people and their businesses. She loves bringing her tax skills to the aid of the creative world. Her passion for helping creative businesses began when she was an Account Executive and Interactive Producer for a New York interactive design agency, where she saw the struggles and triumphs from the inside.
A long-time working artist with a high-level exhibition history, the financial challenges of freelancers and small creative businesses are both relevant and personal to Hannah. And she knows that describing tax concepts in jargon-free language is always a good thing. You can find her at